The FUE Experts
Australia's Leading Hair Loss & Restoration Specialist
Australia's Leading FUE Specialist. Ensuring your exceptional results without having to travel overseas for affordable treatment. Treatments from $5990.
The FUE Doctors transform the hairlines, and lives, of men and women with the world’s leading hair transplant system – NeoGraft.

Treatments include minoxidil, and finasteride. Options include a spray or solution to rub it into your scalp. Treatments work by addressing hormones.

We offer NeoGraft which is the world’s leading FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair restoration system delivering full natural-looking hairline with minimal downtime.
Why Choose Us As Your Hair Restoration & Transplant Experts?
Led by leading cosmetic doctor Dr Nik Davies, The FUE Doctors believe that NeoGraft is, without doubt, the best option for hair loss currently available in the world.
They are, therefore, proud to specialise in NeoGraft hair transplants.

In Person Clinic Consult
You can visit our clinics for a complimentary, obligation-free consultation where you will have the opportunity to discuss the hair restoration options available to you.

Phone Consult
If you are unable to attend our offices for an in-house consultation, a phone consultation can be arranged. Just call or fill out the online enquiry form – we’ll ask you to send in some relevant photos and schedule a consultation time.

Video Consultation
We also offer Video (Skype) consultations. Just call or fill out the online enquiry form and we’ll coordinate a Skype consultation time.
Make an Appointment

Take the next step…
“Hair loss causes so much emotional pain and distress to so many men and women, but fortunately, thanks to NeoGraft, we can now treat it effectively without surgery or scarring.” – Dr Nik Davies

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